Stone fruit season is accompanied by challenging weather conditions in Southern Europe

Peaches and Nectarines

Currently, peaches and nectarines come from various cultivation areas in southern Italy, including Calabria, Campania, Basilicata, and Apulia. Availability has improved, although there is still a shortage of larger calibers. On average, we expect size B. The varieties are more stable than before, and there is good demand, both domestically and internationally.

In northern Italy, in the Emilia Romagna region, the season is gradually starting. However, a decrease of up to 50% is expected there due to the flood catastrophe that affected entire regions in mid-May.


The overall weather situation in Murcia has largely calmed down. There are still occasional small, localized storms, but their impact is significantly lower than in the past four weeks. Due to the approaching end of the season in the next 7-10 days, peach availability is limited. Only large calibers like A/AA/AAA are available, and small calibers for trays are hardly available. Flat peaches and flat nectarines are at a good level in terms of quality and availability.

Nectarines are also available in sufficient volume. However, with the upcoming end of the season in early July, a significant reduction in quantity can be expected.

In the past two weeks, the region of Lérida experienced regular rainfall and hail showers. These weather conditions occasionally caused damage to the production, ranging from partial to complete loss. As a result, the overall production is slightly lower, with an increase in smaller calibers. Additionally, insufficient irrigation due to water scarcity may result in an early end to the harvest.

Despite these challenges, good quantities are available due to the transition to the high season for peaches and nectarines, although the calibers may be slightly smaller than usual. There may be occasional production gaps due to variety changes for peaches. Both availability and quality of flat peaches are good, although large specimens of size AA are still missing. The first quantities of flat nectarines are expected from calendar week 26/27.

Peaches and nectarines are available, but there is no overproduction in this region.



Calabria, Basilicata, and Apulia
Currently, most of the supply comes from Basilicata and Apulia, while there is slightly less availability in Calabria. Current varieties such as Bora, Rubista, and Flopria are characterized by good quality and a beautiful coloration. The fruits tend to be larger, and there is currently a shortage of smaller specimens for tray making.

Emilia Romagna
Here, too, the season is gradually starting, but there are also significant crop losses for apricots. An accurate assessment is still pending.

Due to the end of the season, no large volume is expected from the Murcia region. However, with the variety change, better quality is anticipated compared to the previous period.

New varieties with good availability and quality are observed in Lérida. The season extends until the end of July, with some producers even extending their harvest until mid-August. However, it should be noted that the quantity may be significantly reduced during these later harvest periods.



In the most important production region for plums, red and black varieties are already available, and yellow varieties will be available shortly. Overall, it should be noted that this year’s harvest is expected to be about 30% less than in a normal season.



June 2023